Thursday, October 24, 2013

Oeuf au lait

Oeuf au lait
Fouettez les œufs et ajoutez-y le lait petit à petit.Faites chauffer le lait et le sucre jusqu'à ébullition.
Ajoutez les œufs au lait (assez rapidement pour ne pas cuire les œufs).
Puis enfournez 30 min th.7 (200°C). Ne pas préchauffer le four.
Laissez reposer 2h à la sortie du four.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Barfi au coco

Barfi au coco

Quantité5 Personne(s)
Préparation30 min
Cuisson10 min
Repos1 h
Coût de la recettePas cher
Niveau de difficultéFacile

pour Barfi au coco

  • 1 verre de lait entier liquide
  • 1/2 verre de sucre roux
  • 3 verres de lait en poudre entier
  • 1 verre de coco fraîchement râpé
  • 3 c. à soupe de beurre doux ou de ghi

pour Barfi au coco

Dans une casserole, faites chauffer le lait à feu doux. Versez le sucre, mélangez bien avec une cuillère en bois.
Portez à ébullition, en mélangeant continuellement. Baissez le feu, versez petit à petit la poudre de lait, sans faire des grumeaux et le verre de coco.
Faites cuire pendant 10 min, en tournant vigoureusement. Versez dans un plat beurré et gardez au frais pendant 1 heure.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Cinnamon “French Toast” Flat-bread (Nut-Free)

April 20, 2012 in BreakfastNut-Free Baking by ThePaleoMom
This is the recipe that replaced the last bit of gluten-free grains in my 5-year old’s diet.  YAY!!!!  (Incidentally, it was the waffle recipe out of Eat Like a Dinosaur that did the trick for my 2-year old.)  My daughter lovesthese and eats them every morning for breakfast.  The goal with this recipe (besides developing something with protein it that satisfies my 5-year old’s very sensitive palate) was to create a healthy and portable version of French toast, without the work of first making paleo bread, then soaking in eggs, then frying.  I was inspired by those frozen toaster French toasts that were at one point a staple for us (so embarrassing to admit).  Borrowing the technique from sponge cake recipes, this flat-bread ends up with a consistency that is surprisingly similar to French toast.  They are also sweet enough to eat plain, are delicious warm or cold, and hold together well enough that they could be eaten in the car on the way to work or to school.  They also happen to be nut-free!
1.    Preheat oven to 350F.  Line a 9”x13” baking dish with wax paper.  If helps to grease the wax paper withpalm shortening, but isn’t completely necessary (I usually don’t bother).
2.    Using a standing mixer, beat the egg whites until stiff peaks form (you can also do this with a hand mixer or even by hand if you prefer).
3.    In a small bowl, combine egg yolks, maple syrup, cinnamon, coconut milk, and arrowroot powder.
4.    Gently pour the yolk mixture onto the egg whites.  Add about half of the sifted coconut flour.  Gently fold the mixtures together.  As they start to combine, add the rest of the sifted coconut flour.  Fold until fully combined.
5.    Pour batter into prepared baking dish and spread out evenly.  Dust with extra cinnamon, if desired.  Bake for 18 minutes, until golden brown and spongy to the touch.
6.    Very shortly after removing from the oven, lift the flat-bread out of the pan (using the sides of the wax paper, or just flip the whole thing over onto a cutting board).  Carefully peel the wax paper off the bottom.  Slice into squares and enjoy warm or refrigerate for later. 

Chocolate-Walnut Freezer Fudge

April 30, 2012 in Candies and Confections by ThePaleoMom
The great thing about giving up egg whites is that I’m inspired to try new recipes for treats without eggs!  This fudge is ridiculously easy to make and delicious (addictive really, I had to stop making it because I couldn’t help myself).  It has a melt-in-your-mouth texture thanks to the coconut oil and can be eaten directly out of the fridge or freezer (which means that even keeping it in the freezer didn’t slow me down!).  These can be a bit delicate to cut into squares.  I remove the entire batch out of the pan onto a cutting board and cut in small squares rather than rows to keep it from cracking.  It helps to pre-cut them in the pan before they are completely set (say after about 20 minutes in the fridge).
1.    Whip coconut oil in the bowl of a standing mixer until fluffy (2-3 minutes).
2.    Add cocoa powder and maple syrup and continue to whip until completely combined (about 1 minute, but you might need to scrape the sides a couple of times).
3.    Add chopped walnuts and mix just to combine.
4.    Spread into a 9”x9” baking pan.  Chill in the refrigerator until set (at least 1 hour).  Cut into squares and enjoy (store in the fridge or freezer).
 Do you need help finding any ingredients?  Check out  Important Pantry Items for the Paleo Baker.

Chocolate-Walnut Freezer Fudge

April 30, 2012 in Candies and Confections by ThePaleoMom
The great thing about giving up egg whites is that I’m inspired to try new recipes for treats without eggs!  This fudge is ridiculously easy to make and delicious (addictive really, I had to stop making it because I couldn’t help myself).  It has a melt-in-your-mouth texture thanks to the coconut oil and can be eaten directly out of the fridge or freezer (which means that even keeping it in the freezer didn’t slow me down!).  These can be a bit delicate to cut into squares.  I remove the entire batch out of the pan onto a cutting board and cut in small squares rather than rows to keep it from cracking.  It helps to pre-cut them in the pan before they are completely set (say after about 20 minutes in the fridge).
1.    Whip coconut oil in the bowl of a standing mixer until fluffy (2-3 minutes).
2.    Add cocoa powder and maple syrup and continue to whip until completely combined (about 1 minute, but you might need to scrape the sides a couple of times).
3.    Add chopped walnuts and mix just to combine.
4.    Spread into a 9”x9” baking pan.  Chill in the refrigerator until set (at least 1 hour).  Cut into squares and enjoy (store in the fridge or freezer).
 Do you need help finding any ingredients?  Check out  Important Pantry Items for the Paleo Baker.

Thursday, September 19, 2013



  • 312.5 grammes de riz
  • 156.25 grammes de « dholl de petits pois »
  • 1.25 tasse(s) de graisse végétale
  • 3.75 cuillère(s) à soupe d’huile
  • 10 gousses d’ail (haché)
  • 10 cardamomes (Ilaitis)
  • 2.5 bâtonnets de cannelle
  • 7.5 clous de girofle
  • 0.31 cuillère(s) à soupe de piment en poudre
  • 0.31 cuillère(s) à soupe de safran en poudre
  • 0.63 cuillère(s) à soupe de petits Anis
  • 156.25 grammes d’oignons (coupés en fines rondelles)
  • 0.63 litre d’eau (ou selon gout)
  • 2.5 pincée(s) de sel

Préparation de la recette Kitchri

  1. Faire chauffer la graisse et l’huile dans une casserole et y faire dorer les oignons.
  2. Égoutter.
  3. Dans la même matière grasse, faire revenir respectivement les petits anis, les cardamomes, la cannelle, les clous de girofle et les gousses d’ail.
  4. Ajouter le safran, le piment, le riz et le dholl.
  5. Laisser cuire pendant  2 minutes.
  6. Arroser avec l’eau.
  7. Saler.
  8. Couvrir et faire cuire sous pression sur feu moyen pendant environ 15 minutes.
  9. Décorer avec les oignons.
  10. Servir chaud avec un « rougail » très pimenté.
bon appetits 

Caramelized Chicken Wings



3 lbs chicken wings
2 tablespoons olive oil
1/2 cup soy sauce
2 tablespoons ketchup
1 cup honey
1 garlic clove, minced, to taste
1 pinch salt
1 pinch ground black pepper


  1. Preheat grill to 375 degreesF.
  2. Place chicken in a 9x13-inch baking dish.
  3. Mix the oil, soy sauce, ketchup, honey, garlic, salt and pepper and pour over the chicken.
  4. Bake in grills at degreesF (190 degreesC) for one hour or until sauce is caramelized.
  5. You can also skip the pan, and go directly onto the grills, but be careful if you do not grease your grill first, you will lose bits and pieces of the chicken.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

midnight burger  by papijoon

green pepper
yellow pepper
oyster sauce
saucisse poulet
pain maison ou rond
fromage  slide
sauce chilli


couper emincer l'oignon
et les poivrons
faite frit dans un poel
peu dhuile
 un peu de sel
puis ajouter les saucisse couper en rondelles bier
ajouter sauce  oyster  half sppon
then add also half spoon of honey
then chili sauce

cut the bread in 2 half
put some butter  and put in a pan to grill  just a little
then put the preparation  the add the cheese slide  on top  cover with the other side of the bread
that's it

bon appetit

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Pulao, also known as pilaf is a wholesome rice based dish prepared with basmati rice, vegetables, nuts and spices. There's so many ways of making pulao because in general it can be a mixture with anything to your liking. I also feel that pulao is somewhat similar to beriyani rice. Maybe pulao is more of a vegetarian dish and the technique of cooking is easier compared to beriyani, which can be a veg or  non-vegetarian dish.

I kept the technique for pulao simple by using the rice cooker because I didn't want to worry about the rice being under-cooked or burned. I also came up with my own version of the rice dish. I have basic knowledge of flavors, so I enjoy experimenting to spice things up. The ingredients are pretty much what you have at home or easily available anywhere. My only concern is the saffron strands, a little expensive and sold at Indian grocery stores. Other choices for saffron can be a pinch of turmeric, yellow coloring or just do away with it. 

My pantry is stocked with dried herbs and these came in handy for the pulao. As always said, feel free to modify the recipe because I know how exhausting it can be when we have to drive around looking for ingredients. 

This pulao rice is a bond between spices, the magical blend of flavors and the angelic combination of fragrant basmati rice is simply amazing, either vegetable raita,
2 cups basmati rice - rinse and drain out excess water
3 tbsp ghee
4 tbsp walnuts - break into 2-3 pieces
3 tbsp raisins
1/2 tbsp ginger paste
1/2 tbsp garlic paste
1/2 tbsp onion paste
1 tomato - chopped
3 green chilies - slices into 3-4 pieces
1 tsp coriander flakes/powder
1 tsp mint flakes/powder 
1 tsp cinnamon powder
1 tsp saffron strands
1 cup coconut milk
2 cups water
1 cup frozen green peas
Salt for taste  
Heat ghee in rice cooker.
Fry walnuts till crispy, remove and keep aside.
Fry raisins in the same ghee till they become plump. Remove and keep aside.
Next sauté ginger, garlic and onion paste in the same ghee.
Add chilies, tomato, rice and coriander, mint and cinnamon powder.
Stir all together for 2-3 mins. 
Then pour coconut milk and water, drop in saffron strands and season with salt.
Gently stir in.
Once rice is cooked, fluff it up.
Lastly combine in green peas.
Before serving, mix in fried walnuts and raisins.  
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